163 Brooks Str, Brooklyn (083)263 1522 | (0861) 527 283


Monthly Fees:

R710 per person
R1,280 for 2 people in family
R1,810 for 3+ people in family (4th etc person trains for free)

4 month, pre-paid:
R2,560 per person
R4,610 for 2 people in family
R6,530 for 3+ people in family (4th etc person trains for free)

6 month, pre-paid:
R3,410 per person
R6,140 for 2 people in family
R8,700 for 3+ people in family (4th etc person trains for free)

12 month, pre-paid:
R5,960 per person
R10,730 for 2 people in family
R15,200 for 3+ people in family (4th etc person trains for free)

Grading Fees:

R820 / grading
There are 3 grading opportunities in the year

Affiliation Fee:

Payable within 3 months of joining, or at time of first grading (whichever is soonest).
Affiliation fee is payable only if you intend to grade for a belt.